232 research outputs found

    Beam tests of a large-scale TORCH time-of-flight demonstrator

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    The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide particle identification in the momentum range 2-10 GeV/c over large areas. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charged particles traversing a 10 mm thick quartz plate. The photons propagate via total internal reflection and are focused onto a detector plane comprising position-sensitive Micro-Channel Plate Photo-Multiplier Tubes (MCP-PMT) detectors. The goal is to achieve a single-photon timing resolution of 70 ps, giving a timing precision of 15 ps per charged particle by combining the information from around 30 detected photons. The MCP-PMT detectors have been developed with a commercial partner (Photek Ltd, UK), leading to the delivery of a square tube of active area 53 ×\times 53mm2^2 with a granularity of 8 ×\times 128 pixels equivalent. A large-scale demonstrator of TORCH, having a quartz plate of dimensions 660 ×\times 1250 ×\times 10 mm3^3 and read out by a pair of MCP-PMTs with custom readout electronics, has been verified in a test beam campaign at the CERN PS. Preliminary results indicate that the required performance is close to being achieved. The anticipated performance of a full-scale TORCH detector at the LHCb experiment is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, Paper submitted to Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A - Special Issue VCI 201

    Control of oocyte release by progesterone receptor-regulated gene expression

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    The progesterone receptor (PGR) is a nuclear receptor transcription factor that is essential for female fertility, in part due to its control of oocyte release from the ovary, or ovulation. In all mammals studied to date, ovarian expression of PGR is restricted primarily to granulosa cells of follicles destined to ovulate. Granulosa cell expression of PGR is induced by the pituitary Luteinizing Hormone (LH) surge via mechanisms that are not entirely understood, but which involve activation of Protein Kinase A and modification of Sp1/Sp3 transcription factors on the PGR promoter. Null mutations for PGR or treatment with PGR antagonists block ovulation in all species analyzed, including humans. The cellular mechanisms by which PGR regulates ovulation are currently under investigation, with several downstream pathways having been identified as PGR-regulated and potentially involved in follicular rupture. Interestingly, none of these PGR-regulated genes has been demonstrated to be a direct transcriptional target of PGR. Rather, in ovarian granulosa cells, PGR may act as an inducible coregulator for constitutively bound Sp1/Sp3 transcription factors, which are key regulators for a discrete cohort of ovulatory genes

    Beam tests of a large-scale TORCH time-of-flight demonstrator

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    The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide particle identification in the momentum range over large areas. The detector exploits prompt Cherenkov light produced by charged particles traversing a thick quartz plate. The photons propagate via total internal reflection and are focused onto a detector plane comprising position-sensitive Micro-Channel Plate Photo-Multiplier Tubes (MCP-PMT) detectors. The goal is to achieve a single-photon timing resolution of , giving a timing precision of per charged particle by combining the information from around 30 detected photons. The MCP-PMT detectors have been developed with a commercial partner (Photek Ltd, UK), leading to the delivery of a square tube of active area with a granularity of equivalent. A large-scale demonstrator of TORCH, having a quartz plate of dimensions and read out by a pair of MCP-PMTs with custom readout electronics, has been verified in a test beam campaign at the CERN PS. Preliminary results indicate that the required performance is close to being achieved. The anticipated performance of a full-scale TORCH detector at the LHCb experiment is presented

    Status of the TORCH time-of-flight project

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    TORCH is a time-of-flight detector, designed to provide charged π∕K particle identification up to a momentum of 10GeV/c for a 10m flight path. To achieve this level of performance, a time resolution of 15 ps per incident particle is required. TORCH uses a plane of quartz of 1 cm thickness as a source of Cherenkov photons, which are then focussed onto square Micro-Channel Plate Photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs) of active area 53 × 53mm2, segmented into 8 × 128 pixels equivalent. A small-scale TORCH demonstrator with a customised MCP-PMT and associated readout electronics has been successfully operated in a 5GeV/c mixed pion/proton beam at the CERN PS facility. Preliminary results indicate that a single-photon resolution better than 100ps can be achieved. The expected performance of a full-scale TORCH detector for the Upgrade II of the LHCb experiment is also discussed

    New developments from the TORCH R&D project

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    TORCH is a large-area and high-precision time-of-flight detector, designed to provide charged particle identification over a 2–20GeV/c momentum range. The TORCH detector comprises a 10 mm thick quartz radiator, instrumented with photon detectors, which precisely time and measure the arrival positions of the Cherenkov photons. The photon detectors are micro-channel plate photo-multiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs) comprising a finely segmented anode of 64 × 64 anode pads, electronically ganged into 64 × 8 pixels, over a 53 × 53mm2 area, an excellent intrinsic time resolution of ∼ 30ps, and a long lifetime of up to ≳ 5C/cm2. The current version of the MCP-PMTs used by TORCH have been developed with an industrial partner, Photek Ltd, to satisfy the stringent requirements of the detector. The TORCH R&D programme has successfully demonstrated the detector concept through extensive laboratory and beam tests. A TORCH prototype has been constructed and has yielded encouraging results when exposed to low momentum charged hadrons. Characteristic patterns of Cherenkov photons have been recorded, illustrating the required spatial accuracy and timing resolution of 70 ps per photon. Both laboratory and beam test results are approaching the design goals of the TORCH detector

    A precision time of flight readout system for the TORCH prototype detector

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    The TORCH detector provides low-momentum particle identification, combining Time of Flight (TOF) and Cherenkov techniques to achieve charged particle pi/K/p separation between 2–20 GeV/c over a flight distance of 10 m. The measurement requires a timing resolution of 70 ps for single Cherenkov photons. For precision photon detection, customised Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier Tubes (MCP-PMTs) with high precision TOF measurement electronics have been developed. The electronics measures time-over-threshold from the MCP-PMT and features a 10-Gigabit Ethernet readout. This paper reports the design and performance of a 5120-channel system which currently instruments a pair of MCP-PMTs, but has the capacity to read out ten customised MCP-PMT devices in the future

    Test-beam performance of a TORCH prototype module

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    The TORCH time-of-flight detector is designed to provide a 15 ps timing resolution for charged particles, resulting in K/p (p/K) particle identification up to momentum of about 10 (15) GeV/c over a 10 m flight distance. Cherenkov photons, produced in a quartz plate of 10 mm thickness, are focused onto an array of micro-channel plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs) which measure the photon arrival times and spatial positions. A TORCH demonstrator module instrumented with a customised MCP-PMTs has been tested at the CERN PS. The useful implementation for the particle identification in the LHCb experiment requires single-photon time resolution of 70 ps. The timing performance and photon yields have been measured as a function of beam position in the radiator, giving measurements which are approaching the required resolution. A possible TORCH design of the particle identification system in the LHCb experiment has been simulated and its potential for high luminosity running has been evaluated

    The TORCH time-of-flight detector

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    TORCH is a large-area time-of-flight (ToF) detector, proposed for the Upgrade-II of the LHCb experiment. It will provide charged hadron identification over a 2–20 GeV/c momentum range, given a 9.5m flight distance from the LHC interaction point. To achieve this level of performance, a 15ps timing resolution per track is required. A TORCH prototype module having a 1250×660×10mm3 fused-silica radiator plate and equipped with two MCP-PMTs has been tested in a 8GeV/c CERN test-beam. Single-photon time resolutions of between 70–100ps have been achieved, dependent on the beam position in the radiator. The measured photon yields agree with expectations

    Picosecond timing of charged particles using the TORCH detector

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    TORCH is a large-area, high-precision time-of-flight (ToF) detector designed to provide charged-particle identification in the 2–20 GeV/ momentum range. Prompt Cherenkov photons emitted by charged hadrons as they traverse a 10 mm quartz radiator are propagated to the periphery of the detector, where they are focused onto an array of micro-channel plate photomultiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs). The position and arrival times of the photons are used to infer the particles’ time of entry in the radiator, to identify hadrons based on their ToF. The MCP-PMTs were developed with an industrial partner to satisfy the stringent requirements of the TORCH detector. The requirements include a finely segmented anode, excellent time resolution, and a long lifetime. Over an approximately 10 m flight distance, the difference in ToF between a kaon and a pion with 10 GeV/ momentum is 35 ps, leading to a 10–15 ps per track timing resolution requirement. On average 30 photons per hadron are detected, which translates to a single-photon time resolution of 70 ps. The TORCH R&D program aims to demonstrate the validity of the detector concept through laboratory and beam tests, results from which are presented. A timing resolution of 70–100 ps was reached in beam tests, approaching the TORCH design goal. Laboratory timing tests consist of operating the MCP-PMTs coupled to the TORCH readout electronics. A time resolution of 50 ps was measured, meeting the TORCH target timing resolution
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